Chuchu Qi a.k.a. Chuchu
selected works [architecture]

Vacancy into PLAY! 

Kindergarten Design

Critic: Bruce Lindsey
Fall 2020 | Core Studio, Half-semester Project
St. Louis, MO

Inspired by the Green City coalition project which is a community project that deals with the vacancy crisis in STL, the kindergarten primitive is a reconstruction of an existing vacant building.

The primitive focuses on turning the vacancy into vibrancy by designing by making the kindergarten as a condense of the community spirit, confidence with a brighter, and sustainable future. Based on personal childhood experience, the space is designed with curvaceous surface, embodied space, and warm color.

Site Analysis Drawing

Rapid Diagramming, Customer Research 

By studying the nature of children, I separated the space into 3 main educational divisions in the kindergarten including play, self-care, and learning. Outside the primitive, there is a garden that is inspired from Erikson’s theory of Psychological development about children’s cognitive development. 

Collage + Exploded Diagram, Site Analysis 

Bristol Paper Prototypes, Form Mock-ups

Floor Plans & Circulation, Program Diagrams

Section Render + Interial Space Digital Render




> Kindergarten Design
> Gentle Collision
> Artist Residential
> Immigrants Oral Story Center
> Courthouse
> Tensegrity Living Unit
> Dynamic Urbanism
> Embodied
> Pop-up Post-Office


> Cementland
> Visualizing Carbon Sequestration
> {Ruin, Ruins, Ruined}
> Mekong Flooding Research
> Planting Design
> Conversation Space

Artificial Intelligence

> Perplexing my Eyes
[AI trained psychogeography]


> Too Much Too Little
> Neighborhood Symbiosis
> Next Gen Movie Theater


> Sedia Chair Transformation
> Bamboo Pod

Toy Design

> OHHO Game
> Twist


> Body in the Site,
Earring as Weapon

> Bronze Cast Ring


> Imprint
> Rituals
> Assembled
> Ramdom Pieces


> Intaglio
> Watercolor Monotype
> Oil-based Monotype


> Foodscape
> Urban Meandering
